Phoenix McLaughlin works at the National Endowment for Democracy helping to foster political development in Asia. Phoenix lives in Washington, D.C. now, but was born and raised in Norway, Maine. In between graduating from Oxford Hills High School and starting his current job, he worked for environmental policy organizations in France and Washington, D.C., conducted research in Ethiopia, and briefly straddled the state and national political spheres in Augusta. Phoenix studied in Nepal and India on his way to graduating from Colorado College.
Maine Meets World is an attempt to put some of that mileage to use. The blog puts Maine news and issues in a global context, linking local events to international trends. Posts come in a variety of forms—whether offering background on a global event affecting Maine politics or comparing Maine communities to those abroad—but all fit in to the larger idea of illustrating the state’s links with the world.
Any opinions expressed on this blog are solely my own.
Header image taken from Singe Pole in South Paris, Maine.