LePage Makes International News

My next full post is requiring a bit more research than usual, so in the meantime, here is a tidbit of news to hold you over:

Maine tends to make it into the national news just a few times a year. Of those stories, only a couple find their way into the international spotlight.

Governor LePage’s remarks last week proved to be one of those couple stories. It has been noted elsewhere that the Governor’s words made national news, but given the topic of this blog, I thought I would point out where the issue was reported beyond our borders. Here are some of the news outlets who ran stories on the topic and their country of origin:


Telegraph (UK)

Sky News (UK)

Metro News (Canada)

Business Insider Australia

RT (Russia)

Sputnik International (Russia)

Al Jazeera (Qatar)

An impressive list to say the least, representing some of the largest non-U.S. news organizations. The story wasn’t exactly front-page news for these outlets, but still, making it into their coverage at all is no small feat. Here’s to hoping whenever Maine appears in the international news next, it’s for a more positive event.


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Phoenix McLaughlin

About Phoenix McLaughlin

Phoenix McLaughlin works at the National Endowment for Democracy helping to foster political development in Asia. Phoenix lives in Washington, D.C. now, but was born and raised in Norway, Maine. In between, he has studied and/or worked in Colorado, Nepal, India, France, Ethiopia, and Augusta. All opinions expressed on this blog are solely his own and do not represent his current or former employers.